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The amount of garbage will always keeping going up in that case
Statement Description
asdsa dasd asdas
The absence of a live audience has a negative impact on any sportsperson
Statement DescriptionPerforming in a stadium before a live audience is completely different from performing for an online audience. It may be convenient for the audience but it does not bear well for the psychology of sportspersons.
Topic:Defunding is a sign of no-confidence
Statement DescriptionFor an essential service like Law Enforcement, the only reason why one would want to cut down funding is if it was considered to be out of control and not serving its purpose. This is not like a charity where the State cuts funding simply because it does not have funds. You cannot defund the police just as you would not defund services like electricity, water or public transportation.
Even a banana republic keeps a police force because that is the main instrument which keeps law and order in the country.
Topic:Police in most countries enjoy a certain level of immunity
Statement DescriptionDue to the nature of their work, most LE officials enjoy more powers and immunity than the man on the street. That comes with the territory. The problem is when some people within the force lose restraint and go out of control. This scenario is certainly exacerbated when higher-ups either support it covertly or do not take strict measures as part of the punishment.
This is a fact we have to live with. I cant ever see a time when police will be completely righteous and benevolent. There are always bad apples everywhere.
Topic:Its mortality is also a cause for concern
Statement Description
If it didnt have a high rate of risk and danger, then it would have been treated just like a flu virus.
Its the level of contagiousness which is of concern more than the mortality
Statement DescriptionAs has been seen that most of the cases are asymptomatic and the virus spreads through air, it is extremely difficult to control it. This difficulty is also compounded by the fact that the virus can lie dormant for many days or even weeks before deciding to activate itself in a person. So by the time a person shows symptoms he would have already passed it on to several people. This particular strain of virus has been around for quite some time and does not seem to die or get eradicated: SARS, MERS, Swine Flu and now COVID.
Topic:Genome Mapping for Individuals
Statement DescriptionGenome Mapping for Individuals
Topic:pro outgoing reply to root node
Statement Descriptionad sad sadsad asd asdsa
Topic:This person has no followers.